Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Joe Malone: Whither the Individual?

Joe Malone: Whither the Individual?: "Social networks continue to become more widely used by all ages across the globe. With this trend comes the extension and expansion of indi..."

I agree with Joe on all his points about the role social media plays in people's lives. His ideas about social media keeping connections together instead of dismissing egos or taking away privacy seems to be along the same lines of my take on social media. Not only Joe but other people in the class have also given the same comment that people have the choice to choose what to add and what to not let people know about you. I think that it may be our generation that may have an understanding of the limits of these types of situations and have less of a concern with privacy and more of an understanding that privacy is not as prevalent as someone would expect.

1 comment:

  1. Deanna..

    I wanted to let you know were you are at going into the midterm..

    Your work posted on your blog meets the minimum requirements that I ask you to post, for the blog responses and writings you are at a B+, and for the photoshop work you are at a B/B+

    If you want to get an A then I just need for you to go beyond the requirements for the class...
    But you are doing ok..
