Friday, October 1, 2010

3 pages

There is a fear that as we join these Facebook and social media sites that these places limit or minds and our ability to be ourselves because they are so restrictive in the make-up of their sites. Do people really find this an issue? I know for myself it is not so much an issue that I cannot customize my Facebook page because I am so intrigued by all of the other positive things it does allow me to do. For example I am able to keep in touch with all my friends who are abroad and view pictures, videos, and blog sites of their encounters without the worry of a daunting phone or text messaging bill. If you join a Facebook page or make a Twitter account why would you be so worried about needing such things as reflection times in the first place? These sites are made to keep people connected no matter where life takes them. These places are not meant to be your personal journal areas. By personal journals I mean a place where you can write your deepest and darkest thoughts with the freedom of complete privacy. If you do not want shared on these social sites personal information all you have to do is not type that information anywhere on the page.If you want a diary, than buy yourself a notepad. These types of sites, in my opinion, don’t hold a mass weight on people’s lives and ruin egos. When I was back in high school and MySpace was the big hit it was stressful to try and be technologically savvy and update your background every other day to keep up with your friend’s pages. I think these pages you were constantly judged by how your MySpace looked and no one even paid attention to your actual page. On Facebook and Twitter you are actually viewed by how you want to be viewed. What networks you are a part of, what you like, what pictures you have up. These kinds of issues allow you to make yourself how you want to be viewed and have direct influence on those factors. All in all I would say that people who are so nervous about the negative impacts on Facebook need to look back onto a time when Facebook was obsolete. How would you reach people from your high school or plan events and know what was going on in your social world? It is hard to remember these times, as I certainly don’t, and am definitely excited to see where this type of society will lead us in the future. It is hard for me to picture Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter and other social sites in any other places than where they currently are. All I can think these social sites are going to turn into is a more virtual hand on experience. I can see them incorporating video chat instead of profile pictures and becoming more life-like profiles than social networks. I can see Facebook becoming my children’s way of physical activity. For example I can see the iPad and virtual games becoming more portable and only working on solar energy so they are forced to be outside in the daylight playing these types of games. Those types of games and virtual reality I can see becoming the status quo of life. I think it is time that all generations embrace the new change instead of fighting it. Schools need to stop seeing the negatives in using technology in the classrooms and embrace all of the potential that is possible. I can not speak for other nations such as South Korea, but I know that the United States can progress to this type of ideals within the next few years.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Deanna with the fact that people don't need facebook to have all these customization settings to help us express ourselves. In fact I feel that simplicity of it is what makes it unique. If you want to customize it in a way that allows it to express you as a person, fill up your interest section, and post up a bunch of unique photos or graphics that define you. I also agree that the fact that facebook allows you to communicate with friends and keep in contact with them is the best feature and the most important one. Your also able o view their links and their interest adding a customization feeling to things. So if someone wants to express themselves more, put up a bunch of links tht your friends can view and post comments on them or your wall. :)
