Tuesday, September 14, 2010

McLuhan- Final Post

Overtime society, especially American society, has come to find different addictive appeals in their lives. In the 1920's for example the government set regulations on selling alcohol declaring that society was becoming to reckless and the modern family was being corrupted by alcohol. It was becoming an addictive quality of that time period. In the 1960's tobacco became the new social norm and people did not realize the negative effects it was having on their health until much later in their lifetime. In the 1980's partying and raging became the new way of life with adolescents choosing to take recreational drugs without concern for their well being in the future. And finally, in 2000 when the first blackberry came out, society was changed forever with the use of the internet, black berry messaging, email, and phone call capabilities. Because this is relatively new who knows what effects this technology will have on society in 20 years. 

Mcluhan's idea of the medium is the message is depicted in this picture because it gives the message that society could potentially be negatively impacted by Blackberrys (which have the common slang of being "crack"berrys because of their addictive qualities). 

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