Tuesday, December 7, 2010

final exam review

the message is how it impacts society and culture. make chart and put new medium and fill it in. know the idea of hte global village. break throughs in innovation technology and bringing us closer together on a global sphere in the 60s.

the great seduction- shift in communication from media to a  more interactive realm. websites, devices, user generated content and democratized media.
truth and lies andrew keen- people are taking money out of the pockets of legit professionals- trading files and videos. be able to explain a few of the problems he complains about.
Rushkoff- talk about the techniqes he talked about in his films. neuromarketing- people would be using science to get to know the market without them knowing about it so that they know how to get into the consumers mind. emotional branding0 talking about how rather advertising for a product it was trying to amke this emotinal connection between the product and the consumer. cheerios commerical and grandmother and baby. creating a culture- saturn cars making them on the same page. song airlines- create a culture of people who were this type of person and flew on this airline, attempted to. narrowcasting- trying to present it in a way that you are going to agree with- senators. rhetorical marketing- political advertising- tell certain political parties to use certain words- war on iraq war on terror. can gain more support from his ideas strictly by the words. under the radar marketing- product placement across different medias, advertisements you dont know is an advertisement. advertisement in games and applications. guerilla marketing- handingout fliers but actually a marketing technique- spray paint stencils and the grafitti research lab that used the led in the sky for ads. undercover/underground marketing techniques and plays into the viral media and make this marketing in the form of some kind of movement scheme. stamping peoples hands a club with songlogo.
digital nation gets second thoughts baout the new way were going. is its bringing us closer to together or tearing us apart. bitmap vs vector graphics. describe the quailities of each one- file formats and applications associated with that. bitmap- pixel based had a resolution web-72 picture- 300 used for photographs, photoshop, psd file jpg gif ppi (pixels per inch)  and vector was used for like graphic imagery or text. illustrator .ai file it has anchor points connected with paths and had fill and stroke. they are mathematical coordinates on a grid.